World of warships how to play space battles
World of warships how to play space battles

world of warships how to play space battles

It is also radically different for a spacecraft in orbit around a single planet, in a planetary system, or in deep space. Space is not a familiar environment, and movement in it is counter-intuitive at best. Even if the ship can fly and fight itself this leaves room for a human tactician, negating Burnside's Zeroth Law of Space Combat - SF fans relate more to humans than they do to silicon chips. Randomness and intuition could be vital, and so far computers don't offer that. A battle that requires maneuvers is intrinsically better suited to one in which humans might play a role. And while no real spaceship will ever fly with the grace of a X-Wing starfighter this does mean that the ability to avoid hits may be more important than surviving them(structurally, the crew is still a concern), much like the situation in aerial combat today. For science fiction writers this is a boon. When dealing with scientifically hard fiction - no handwavium force-fields or technobabble energy shielding - one shot kills are very probable: nukes, mass drivers, particle beams, lasers, all posses more than enough potential to negate any form of armour we know about today. While this is largely due to dramatic reasons, it does draw attention to the importance of maneuverability in space combat. Quite often in sci-fi movie, the heroes of the story will be aboard a smaller spacecraft than their opponents, their only hope of survival lying in their superior abilities.

world of warships how to play space battles

As both "Wash" Hoban form Firefly and our favorite Nerf-Herder Han Solo from Star Wars have demonstrated on numerous occasions, firepower is not the only asset that can win a fight.

World of warships how to play space battles